(Academic) Year of Rest

(Academic) Year of Rest

With the biopsy taking place on the Back to School Open House day when the students meet their teachers in August 2018 and surgery sometime in the spring, I declare this time to be my (Academic) Year of Rest.    

This Year of Rest means declining a volunteer role I’d offered to take on this school year.

This Year of Rest means passing off the carpool organization to someone else, then stacking my carpool driving early in the year before chemo started since I wasn’t sure how I would feel.

This Year of Rest means not signing up to bring desserts or treats for concession fundraisers.  

This Year of Rest means being one of the last to arrive for an event and being one of the first to leave in order to conserve my energy.

This Year of Rest means not being the organizer of get togethers with friends and colleagues.  If my friends want to get together, then someone else can and will organize it.

This Year of Rest means missing some of my children’s events because of chemotherapy appointments.

This Year of Rest means I will have time to heal, rest, and recover from all of my cancer appointments and treatments.  While a lot of my time has been spent towards volunteering in my kids’ activities, it’s time to focus that energy back to myself.