Thank you

Thank you

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We have been supported and lifted up by our family, friends, and community through all of this. Meals, carpool, flowers, Audible books, cards, care packages, calls, lunch outings, and texts have helped me and my family through all of this.I love mail and the act of taking my fountain pen to paper, so I always do my best to send a thank you card. Now I’m resorting to a thank you in person, by phone, or text since it is taking me much longer than I prefer to write a proper thank you card. I grew up writing letters to my grandparents and other relatives because we didn’t make long-distance phone calls very often. My children write thank you cards a few times a year, and I sometimes have to remind where to place the recipient’s address because they address cards so infrequently. Since the kids have also been on the receiving end of all of the love and goodness provided to us by our community, they’ve been writing thank you cards on behalf of our entire family. I want them to be able to express their appreciation for those who are supporting us through all of this.

If you are sending something to support someone with cancer or any other medical situation, then know that they might not be able to instantly acknowledge your act of kindness. They may not be feeling well, be knee deep in appointments, or just overwhelmed with everything to express their gratitude.

So if I’ve overlooked a thank you to you, my apologies, but know that your generosity is appreciated.

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