Things to have post-mastectomy

Things to have post-mastectomy

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Now that I’m a few weeks post-mastectomy, here are a few things that I found useful to have available after the surgery.


A lanyard – Until your post-surgical drains are removed, you’ll need a way to secure them when bathing. I used a simple lanyard leftover from a conference. The drains were safety pinned to the lanyard, which I wore around my neck in the shower.

Pillow for the car and home – When you eventually head home from your surgery, you’re going to want a small buffer between your body and the seatbelt. Before the surgery, I sat on both sides of the car, trying to figure out where the seatbelt would come in contact with my body. For my body and our vehicle, sitting on the passenger side for a right side mastectomy made the most sense.

I was gifted a homemade heart shaped pillow at the breast cancer center during my pre-surgery appointment. A sewing ministry from a nearby church donates the pillows made with love. If you know someone who sews, then ask them to use this pattern to make one for you.

If you have a small decorative pillow, you can use that. It doesn’t have to be a heart-shaped pillow, but it was nice to tuck one curve towards my back and one curve towards my front.


The running theme of clothes I wore after my mastectomy is pretty much anything that did not require me to lift my arms over my head.

Button front pajamas – Depending on the season, you may prefer short-sleeve pajamas or you may prefer long-sleeved pajamas. If you have neuropathy in your fingers, then look for jammies with large buttons.

Post-mastectomy camisole – This will probably be prescribed to your by your surgeon and covered by insurance. Mine fit like a babydoll dress, but I lived in this until the drains were removed a week post-surgery.

Zipper hoodie – This was a nice to wear around the house. The hood was nice to cover my bald noggin too.

Button down blouse – A chambray button down blouse was a staple in my closet before cancer, because it can be layered or worn alone.

Until the drains were removed, I lived in the post-mastectomy camisoles, wore clothing over it, and did not use any special robes or belts.

Medical supplies

Gauze – We purchased some 2×2 gauze pads to have on hand to keep the area where the drains came out of my body clean. The nurses will go through your particular drain care at your patient education session before discharge.

Alcohol prep pads – These were super helpful to strip the drains, which helps move any fluid in the drain line into the actual drain. Instead of just running your thumb and pointer finger over the line, using the alcohol pad helps everything run a little smoother.


Comfort food – Whatever that is for you, have it ready or ask someone to make some for you.

Meals brought to you – If possible, ask someone to set up meals that can be brought to you during your post-surgical recovery. You can leave a cooler at your front door in case you’re not home or feeling up for visitors.

Freezer meals – Before your surgery, assemble some freezer meals or ask your friends and family to make some for you. These can be portioned out in family or individual sized portions.

Ensure – Your medical team will have recommendations for you based on your needs and situation. Mine suggested Ensure so the protein could help with healing. I’ve tasted a few flavors and prefer butter pecan.

Rest & Recuperation

I have concluded I suck at sitting around and doing nothing. I get bored. While I have things to do, I really had to remember that my main goal was to heal. These items helped me stay on the sofa to rest.

Audiobooks – My girlfriends gifted me books from Audible. I loved this gift because it was so thoughtful, and they knew it was something I would enjoy.

Coloring books – I know these have become popular in the last few years, but I get a little too hung up on the symmetry and the color placement for flowers and swirls. Depending on your personality, you may or may not want these around during your R&R.

Journal – A friend gifted me Finding Calm in the Chaos, which has been nice to jot down my thoughts.

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